2024 CCM Industry Trends and Best Practices Survey Results

Macrosoft is a leader in providing professional technical services for client’s Customer Communication Management (CCM) needs using the Quadient Inspire Platform and OpenText. We work in 3 major areas: Design and Development of new CCM applications; Migration of assets and workflows from other CCM platforms to Quadient or OpenText; and technical support of existing Quadient or OpenText applications.

CCM Survey report

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As a result of this expertise, Macrosoft conducted a CCM Industry Trends survey during the last two weeks of May 2024. A total of 278 individuals from more than 200 identified companies participated in the survey. There was a total of 18 questions.

Based on the broad participation, and low drop our rate, it is believed that the results are highly accurate and represent a significant portion of the industry.

Survey results show an industry in flux, with sharp opinion differences concerning the role of CCM applications in the present technology world.

Select Survey Findings

  • CCM Solution Adoption: The survey received 278 responses from over 200 companies, with 99% of respondents stating they have a Customer Communication Management (CCM) solution. This indicates widespread adoption of CCM technologies across industries.
  • Communication Channel Shift: There’s a significant change in communication delivery methods from 2023 to 2024. Print-only communication saw a surprising increase from 12.08% to 41%, while digital-only decreased from 48.75% to 38%. This suggests a reevaluation of print effectiveness in certain contexts.
  • Customer Journey Mapping Trends: The adoption of Customer Journey Mapping has shown steady growth, increasing from 54% in 2021 to 58% in 2024. However, there’s also an increase in organizations not using journey mapping, rising from 11% in 2021 to 32% in 2024, indicating a polarization in approaches.
  • Live Chat Integration: Live chat integration with website customer service has evolved significantly. In 2024, it reached its highest integration rate (38%) with a strong preference for standalone systems (55%). The number of organizations not using live chat dropped to a four-year low of 7%, suggesting its growing importance in customer service.
  • Success Measurement Diversity: Organizations use a wide range of metrics to measure the success of customer communications, including quantitative measures like revenue growth and customer numbers, as well as qualitative assessments such as customer feedback and satisfaction scores.
  • Survey Comprehensiveness: The majority of respondents felt the survey adequately covered key aspects of CCM. However, one suggestion for improvement was to include questions about alternative apps, highlighting the evolving nature of the CCM landscape.
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Macrosoft is available to provide an industry expert who can present these results as requested to industry user groups.

Direct Questions about this survey and request for speaking engagements to

Allen Shapiro
VP – Customer Communication Management Practices
Macrosoft, Inc